Transforming Maintenance for Peak Productivity

Enhancing maintenance team productivity amid tighter regulations and higher demands is a critical challenge for water sector leaders.

To help you solve these challenges, we invited Phil White, the Chief Maintenance Officer at United Utilities, to share his advice on the tactics the industry should adopt to rise to this challenge.

In this synopsis, we couple our experience with his expertise in a concise overview so that you can address the key challenges your organisation is facing, including:

  • Transitioning from reactive responses to proactive strategies
  • Eliminating non-value-added activities for capacity creation
  • Setting effective KPIs and tracking what truly matters
  • Cultivating proactive maintenance leadership mindsets
  • Building a skilled, reliability-focused maintenance workforce

Empower your teams and improve productivity without increasing headcount.

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You can also catch up on the full on-demand webinar recording here

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