With AMP8 bringing new challenges and opportunities, water utilities must adapt quickly to stay ahead. 

Our webinars bring together industry leaders to discuss strategies for strengthening cross-functional collaboration, streamlining decision-making, and optimising asset management to drive successful outcomes.

Explore our webinar content for expert insights on navigating AMP8 with confidence!

AMP8 Readiness Roundtable 3

With AMP8 approaching, industry leaders face increasing pressure to stay ahead of the curve. To help navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the AMP8 final determinations, we hosted our third, and final, AMP8 Readiness Virtual Roundtable.

Reson8 Partner Alex Graham hosted 8 industry leaders from 5 water companies, to discuss key issues and share actionable insights as the sector entered the new regulatory period.

The roundtable explored how organisations can build stronger cross-functional collaboration and establish productive relationships across new AMP8 roles to reduce project delays and drive successful outcomes in the new regulatory period.

Catch up on the webinar and insights below 👇

Watch our top webinar insights

You Need Conflict to have True Collaboration
The Challenge of Getting Aligned Decisions Without Certainty
How a Broader Perspective Can Elevate Project Escalations
AMP8 Delivery Needs Trusting Leaders and Effective Decision-Making Processes
The Challenges in Devolving Project Decision-Making
Understanding the Distinction Between Escalation and Change Control
Creating Capacity for Frontline Managers to Drive Productivity
Clear Handoffs are Crucial - No Matter the Operating Model
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You Need Conflict to have True Collaboration
You Need Conflict to have True Collaboration
The Challenge of Getting Aligned Decisions Without Certainty
The Challenge of Getting Aligned Decisions Without Certainty
How a Broader Perspective Can Elevate Project Escalations
How a Broader Perspective Can Elevate Project Escalations
AMP8 Delivery Needs Trusting Leaders and Effective Decision-Making Processes
AMP8 Delivery Needs Trusting Leaders and Effective Decision-Making Processes
The Challenges in Devolving Project Decision-Making
The Challenges in Devolving Project Decision-Making
Understanding the Distinction Between Escalation and Change Control
Understanding the Distinction Between Escalation and Change Control
Creating Capacity for Frontline Managers to Drive Productivity
Creating Capacity for Frontline Managers to Drive Productivity
Clear Handoffs are Crucial - No Matter the Operating Model
Clear Handoffs are Crucial - No Matter the Operating Model
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Catch up on the full webinar below

Read the synopses below

AMP8 Readiness Roundtable 2

Our second AMP8 Readiness Virtual Roundtable hosted by Reson8 Partner Alex Graham, brought together 11 industry leaders to discuss the sector’s most pressing issues and explore strategies for navigating the complexities of AMP8.

The roundtable explored how organisations can align their operational strategies, optimise decision-making, and drive behavioural shifts to meet AMP8 challenges.

The discussion also covered adapting asset management practices to future needs and supporting engineers in transitioning to more integrated and configurable solutions.

Catch up on the webinar and insights below 👇

Watch our top webinar insights

Shifting gears: Redefining Operations and Delivery team accountabilities
If people are your best asset, why do we run them above capacity so often?
Optimising sites for Operations before investing in new assets
Digitisation in AMP8 design and delivery
Outcomes vs Outputs: navigating the PCD vs ODI regulatory tightrope
Seeing the bigger picture moving the optimisation challenge
The challenges of balancing value models with asset reality
Ditch your governance RACIs - Why RAPID is the better approach for decision-making
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Shifting gears: Redefining Operations and Delivery team accountabilities
Shifting gears: Redefining Operations and Delivery team accountabilities
If people are your best asset, why do we run them above capacity so often?
If people are your best asset, why do we run them above capacity so often?
Optimising sites for Operations before investing in new assets
Optimising sites for Operations before investing in new assets
Digitisation in AMP8 design and delivery
Digitisation in AMP8 design and delivery
Outcomes vs Outputs: navigating the PCD vs ODI regulatory tightrope
Outcomes vs Outputs: navigating the PCD vs ODI regulatory tightrope
Seeing the bigger picture moving the optimisation challenge
Seeing the bigger picture moving the optimisation challenge
The challenges of balancing value models with asset reality
The challenges of balancing value models with asset reality
Ditch your governance RACIs - Why RAPID is the better approach for decision-making
Ditch your governance RACIs - Why RAPID is the better approach for decision-making
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Catch up on the full webinar below

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